Middle of the Week Vacation

Jul. 16th 2012

The Inn at Warner Hall
Gloucester, Virginia

Okay, no getting jealous about this one!

Tomorrow night (Tuesday night), Brett and I are going to be staying at the Inn at Warner Hall in Gloucester, Virginia. You may remember it from our previous post, Nothing ventured, nothing gained posting. Brett has a meeting on Wednesday in Saluda, Virginia with VDOT (Virginia Department of Transportation) to discuss our entry into the plantation from State Route 301. After that meeting, he is meeting with our surveyor/engineer to discuss the site plan for zoning. So we thought it would be allot easier for him to get there if we slept closer. (That excuse is good as any… haha) After breakfast, I will be returning to Chesapeake and my current job to work.



But we are hoping to be able to look a little closer at Warner Hall and how they have things set up. So far it is the closest to what we want for Belle Grove. We are also hoping to talk with the owners and innkeepers. We hope to gain some answers to questions and learn as much as we can from their experience. I also hope to get some more photos of Warner Hall. It is just so beautiful! And we will be staying in the Robert E. Lee room! There was no James Madison room, so this is the next best thing!

The Robert E. Lee Room
The Inn at Warner Hall
Gloucester, Virginia


************One Quick Note!**************

Our Indiegogo campaign will be ending in just 7 days! Please consider a small contribution towards helping us Save our History and restore our three outbuildings!

Thank you!

The Smokehouse

Posted by Michelle Darnell | in Year of the Virginia Historic Homes | 37 Comments »