New Maps Links on Blog

Aug. 12th 2013

We have had several question as to where we are located.

Our address is:

Belle Grove Plantation Bed and Breakfast

9221 Belle Grove Drive

King George, Virginia 22485


I have set up three views to show where we are in Virginia, Region and Town.

Virginia Map

Virginia Map

Region Map

Region Map

Town Map

Town Map

They are located on the left side column of our blog.

Please check them out!

We are working to get them added to our Facebook and other social media sites!

Check us our on Tripadvisor and!



Posted by Michelle Darnell | in Darnell History | 10 Comments »

New Connections!

Aug. 7th 2013


We are so excited to announce that we are now on Bed and!

Now you can find us and make reservations!!

Please bookmark this and share it with your friends!

To see what else we are up to at the plantation

Facebook Link

Please visit our Facebook Fan Page!