Update on the Paranormal Ghost Hunts
We just finished our last Paranormal Ghost Hunt on Halloween and all we can say is “Wow”!
We had three nights of Paranormal Investigations as well as a Saturday filled with learning more about how to investigate correctly with our Paranormal Workshop and Medium Session.
We would like to thank our Paranormal Investigators from Southeast Virginia Paranormal Investigation ( http://virginia-paranormal.com/)for hosting the Workshop and Ghost Hunts this year for Belle Grove Plantation. They provided an exciting evening of safe investigating and showing our guests how to capture some great results.
We would like to thank Laine Crosby, Paranormal Investigator Medium (http://www.lainecrosby.com/). She helped our guests to understand how a Paranormal Medium works and how to get better in tune with their own abilities. We would like to congratulate Laine on her book, Investigative Medium, The Awakening, being number one on Amazon’s Best Seller for the supernatural.
The guests that attended Laine’s session were very excited to spend time with her. In fact the session was going so well, we had to step in to remind them of the time. Almost ever person who came told me that they enjoyed her and looked forward to her returning soon!
(special note – Laine will be returning in January! Watch for updates on this event!)
During the Ghost Hunts, if you follow us on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook, you got a small taste of what was going on at the plantation.
Friday Night’s Victims…
Saturday Night’s Victims…
Thursday Night’s Victims…
When our guests would arrive, we would give them a brief tour of the mansion and grounds so they were familiar with their surroundings. Then one of the Paranormal Investigators briefed the group on how the investigation would go and what to expect. It was so much fun to watch our guests’s faces as they would show past results from the plantation. They would then split into small groups and head out to their places.
Each “session” would last for 45 minutes to one hour, depending on the results the groups were getting. While they were out, Brett and I would stay back and watch the four camera feeds. These cameras were infrared cameras that allowed us to see in the dark as our guests and the investigators moved through the mansion.
At the end of each session, the groups and investigators would return to the “base camp” to discuss results and to load up on coffee. The investigations were from 8pm to 4am! They investigated most of the mansion as well as the grounds and our Summer Kitchen. They even walked over to the cemetery for a brief stop to see if there were any results from there.
Of all the nights, I have to say Saturday seemed to be the most active. Friday and Thursday had results, but Saturday had the most drama. On Saturday, there were two different sessions, one in the Turner Suite and one in the Summer Kitchen that made one stop and wonder. During these two sessions, the lead investigator, Todd, used both flashlights and a “spirit box”.
To use the flashlight, they would place a flashlight (turned off) on the floor. They would then let the spirits know that they can communicate with them by turning the flashlights on and off for yes or no. They also used what is called a “spirit box”. This is a tool used by Paranormal Investigators. It is a device used for contacting spirits through the use of radio frequency. The idea is that the spirits use the “white noise” to speak through.
On Saturday, in the Summer Kitchen, using the spirit box, Todd asked questions and was getting responses! He found that he was talking to someone named “Robert”. “Robert” stated that he was a visitor to the plantation during the Conway period. He also stated that he had died from being hung. He stated that he was hung by someone named “Edward”. From what I know of the plantation and its history, I do not have any confirmation that anyone was hung here. But of course, things happened that were never reported or recorded.
In the Turner Suite
In the Turner Suite, they made contact with a man and woman through the “spirit box”. The woman didn’t speak much, but the man did. When Todd ask if the man could see him, the answer was “Yes”. Todd asked if the man could see him all the time and the answer was “No”. Todd asked him what he (Todd) had on his head and the man answered “hat”. Todd started waving his hand. He asked the man what he (Todd) was doing. The man answered “waving”. Todd grabbed his vest that he was wearing and pulled on it. Todd asked the man what he was pulling. The man answered “vest”. When Todd asked the man his name or time period, the man would not answer.
The last big drama was in the basement. While down there for a session, Todd and his group used a flashlight. The flashlight was a twist kind, not a slide or push button. While down there, they made connect with someone or possible several. While they were talking to these spirits, one of the other investigators who was filming felt a light push to her back, when she turned around, she saw a full body dark figure standing behind her. Needless to say, she screamed as did all the other guests in the group. Whatever it was, didn’t seem to want to hurt anyone, but just wanted to be seen.
When they left the basement, they left two flashlights in view of the camera. I sat there and watched as the flashlights continued to turn on and off for over an hour. And I know there was no one down in the basement.
I am sure there are other results that have yet to be discovered as they work through three nights of investigations. If anything else comes up of interest, we will send out an update.
As far as the question, “Is Belle Grove Plantation Haunted?”…
Well this one is hard to say. Of course I have see the evidence, I have heard the personal experiences and even had a few of my own. From what I have seen and heard, to the best of my knowledge, I would have to say yes, the plantation is haunted. But I have been here since April 1. 2013. I live right here inside the mansion every day and night. We have had guests since August 1, 2013. From what I have seen and heard, there is nothing here that is evil or malevolent. This plantation and mansion is just as calm and peaceful day or night. I like to think that what we have here is just people from Belle Grove Plantation’s past. People that loved this plantation so much that they chose not to leave. I like to think that they watch over the plantation and in turn watch over us. And with the plantation being 342 years old and the mansion being 221 years old, if we didn’t have a few ghosts or spirits, I would be concerned.
In speaking with Laine about it, as a medium, she told me that they (the spirits) are aware of who we are and what we are doing. She told me that they are happy with what we are doing too. That by backing back the history to the plantation, remembering them and bring life back, they couldn’t be more happy with us.
Am I fear to live here? . . .
Absolutely not. If I couldn’t, I would miss it more than you would ever know.
Have any of our guests heard or seen anything?. . .
Yes a couple have, but only those who went looking for it. Most don’t know and don’t hear anything. I think the “spirits” are at peace most of the time and they don’t want to bother anyone.
This plantation is a peaceful place. It is warm and relaxing. That is why I think some have chosen not to leave.
Hi Michelle –
Having had two very unpleasant experiences in New England inns with spirits, knowing that you have spirits will keep us from coming to Belle Grove as much as I’ve looked forward to it. I’m so sorry!
I don’t expect you to publish this, just wanted you to know since I’ve journeyed with you since almost the beginning.
Best wishes,
Nancy, We have loved having you along with us! It has made this journey really special having so many with us. I can understand your hesitation about coming knowing. But honestly, if you ever decide to try and stay, they really don’t bother anyone. It is an agreement we have made with them. And believe it or not, they haven’t bothered anyone that doesn’t want to know. But if you decide its not something you want to chance, we understand. We do hope you will still consider coming during the day for at least a tour. The mansion is so worth the time to see. Thank you again for your honest reply and for being so supportive!
How cool!!!
And NICE spirits!
Usually you just hear about all the nasty ones out there, so it’s neat to see there are those that just hang out because they like where they are and who they are “with” (you!). Thanks for hosting and posting this! Look forward to additional events!
Thank you so much! It is nice to know they like me. Now I just have to keep everyone from asking me to get them to appear! lol
I didn’t give spirit activity a thought (except for a comment made by a lady over at River Haven!) when we stayed last month and we both slept just fine! I guess it would be unusual for such an historical property to not have any lingering presences. Very interesting!
Glad you had a successful paranormal event. With a property as old as Belle Grove, I would agree with you about being concerned if there were no ghosts.