Cookie Contest MIA

28/01/13 1:24 PM

We have had a lot of you asking about the Cookie Contest of late.


Yes, it has gone MIA.

But don’t worry! It will be returning!

We will reopen the contest on March 1st to March 31st!

We have also made a few changes in the contest.

The best part is there will not be an entry fee this time!

So get your recipes cooking, perfect your photos and be ready to enter as many as you like!

Posted by Michelle Darnell | in Food and Recipes | 17 Comments »

17 Comments on “Cookie Contest MIA”

  1. I hate empty cookie jars!!! I have my photos and recipe ready, was just sitting down to enter when I saw this. Looking forward to entering!

  2. We are sorry for the delay! But it will be so much fun in March! Thank you for considering entering!

  3. marydpierce Says:

    I, for one, am happy for the slight delay – it gives me more time. I’ve had something in mind, but I haven’t had enough time to try it out!

  4. Great! I figured it was a little too fast for everyone! We look forward to seeing your creation!

  5. gardenlilie Says:

    I have something for you , but, it’s not quite a cookie, rather a treat. May send it to you in March anyway. See you then!

  6. You can! We would love to see it!

  7. gardenlilie Says:

    Okay, I will…just let me know when, by your posts. Thanks!

  8. augusta Says:

    Unfortunately, my baking persona was overridden by my health-nut persona decades ago, and I don’t even have the recipes anymore 🙁 What has captured my imagination is the thought of you making and tasting each of these recipes in order to choose a winner 🙂 … Aggie

  9. I can understand. However, I will be making them, my husband Brett will be tasting them along with a few other people. 😉

  10. Mmmmm. A cookie contest. Were there more details posted at a previous time? Rules or guidelines? Will you serve the winning cookies at the plantation?

  11. We will be posting the rules and guidelines shortly. Yes, the winning cookie will be served at turn down service for one year at the plantation. We will also make available the recipe and the cooks name and blog or website.

  12. Nativegrl77 Says:

    Thank you for all the likes !!! very cool contest ! cookies from back in the day !!

  13. You are so welcome! Yes, we look cookies! The contest will kick off in a month!

  14. kayjayaitch Says:

    But not ‘English’ cookies I take it!

  15. You can submit any kind of cookies you wish, just has to be a “cookie” not a bar or requiring cooling.

  16. sarah king Says:

    I am so glad to see that the cookie contest has been extended, because I forgot to enter…..and I HAVE THE WINNING COOKIE!!!

  17. Thank you! We will opening it back up the 1st of March! Be on the watch! I can’t wait to taste the winning cookie!