Oct. 3rd 2012
Sunset over the Rappahnnock River
Looking from the Riverside of Belle Grove Plantation
I can’t tell you how wonderful and amazing this week has been since the article in the Free Lance Star has come out. We have had so many individuals come forward from the area with family history and stories of Belle Grove. Through one of these individuals, we have discovered a new resource for historic information. So on Saturday, Brett and I will be heading to Fredericksburg to the Central Rappahannock Heritage Center to find out what new pieces we can add to the ever growing historical records for Belle Grove Plantation. By the time we finish, we are going to really need that Summer Kitchen as a museum to house all this!
On Monday, we met with another reporter from Chesapeake and completed our second interview for a local newspaper. This article will come out on October 22nd. The newspaper is The Citizen of Chesapeake and talks about local Chesapeake citizens. The reporter who is writing this article turned out to be a young lady we have known for years. It was so much fun revealing our plantation, business and history to her and watching her interest in the plantation ending with her wanting to visit soon.
Virginia Executive Mansion
Today, we submitted our information for the 2013 Celebration of Virginia Historic Homes with the Virginia Executive Mansion. How wonderful to celebrate this rich history within Virginia. We completed a small survey and submitted some pictures of the Manor house. Do you know how hard it was to pick just one or two pictures of Belle Grove! There are so many we truly love. We are so honored to that Belle Grove will be recognized along with the likes of Mount Vernon, Monticello and Montpelier.
Brett has also met with the surveyor who will be doing our preliminary site plan. The surveyor and Brett spent some time walking the plantation and discussing the areas we will be using for the bed and breakfast. At this point, we are waiting for the surveyor to complete the plan and put together his part of the zoning package. After the surveyor has finished his part we will add our part and submit it to the Zoning Board for approval. Fingers crossed that we can get this done quickly so we have time to get the house and grounds completed in time to open in March. (That of course isn’t a firm date, just the one I hope for) It would be so wonderful to open on James Madison’s birthday on March 16th.
Silent Auction Item
Check out all that we have to offer!
Don’t forget to check out our Silent Auction page located just to the left side of our blog under our “About Us” page. This is your chance to grab a bit of Virginia History! And the proceeds go to help us restore and open the Summer Kitchen as our plantation museum!
And finally, back by popular demand…. Hurley, our Plantation Dog. Yes, he is still hanging out wishing he was at the plantation when we go. We haven’t been able to take him with us lately because we’ve been meeting with others. But his time is coming soon. Maybe we will take him with us to help us clean up the Summer Kitchen, Ice House and Smokehouse.
The Plantation Dog